In Orissa there are more than 62 tribes and there 62 languages of their own. So it is not easy learn all the languages and communicate with all the people. Pr Cherian family started to seek the Lord’s help to open the doors for some young men to be trained for the ministry works in Orissa.
With much prayer, they started the training school in 2006 with 14 young men. And within two years 17 students graduated and some of them are working with GGM.
But in 2008 GGM stopped the Bible school due to financial problem. And praying for the re-open in 2017. Looking forward the partnership towards Discipleship training school. But now Grace Gospel ministries have 27 pastors in different areas of Orissa.
Jesus said to His desciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.Ask the Lord for the harvest,therefore,to send out workers in to His harvest feild.“ (Mtt.9:37 & 38).